2010 Windshield

I am looking for a lock and ride windshield for my 2010 850 Sportsman but I am having trouble finding one that fits. Do they make a windshield that fits my atv? Thank you.

Submit your ATV – December 2017 – Polaris ATV of the Month Contest!

Get Ready! The December 2017 Polaris ATV of the month contest is starting RIGHT NOW! This month we are looking for the best photo that features your Polaris ATV. So get out there, get creative, enjoy some safe riding and take some photos! We welcome everyone including vendors to participate. The winner of the contest is decided by you the community, so stick around for the voting process.
  • The photo must be posted in this thread.
  • Only one picture will be allowed, so make it your best!
  • You must be the owner of the Polaris ATV.
  • Please include a description of your ATV with a list of all modifications and enhancements.
  • You can only win once every 12 months
Voting will begin around December 15th, 2017 and run to the end of the month. Once the voting ends we will publish the winning photos on the front page and the winners will also receive:
  • PolarisATVForums Stickers
  • Premium Membership
  • $25 Gift Card
  • Your bike will be featured on the home page of the site

Ranger 570-6 problems

I bought a brand new 2016 570-6 Ranger with a 4 year Riders Advantage Extended warranty. A air hose that runs by the exhaust manifold has gotten too due to poor engineering design (runs right by the exhaust manifold) and my engine is damaged. My engine has lost compression due to dust and dirt entering the engine through holes in the air hose. The service Manager at the dealership I purchased the ranger at, says it is not my fault and that is was a bad design by Polaris. The Riders Advantage warranty i purchased doesn't cover hoses or electrical, so its up to Polaris to make this right. I think Polaris should warranty my engine work since the damage is caused by an apparent poor engineering design but now Polaris Customer Service is telling me their Engineering team is reviewing the case and I should hear something from them in 6-8 weeks. In my opinion that is entirely too long to get an answer. I bought this Ranger as a tool for my ranching business and need it to continue my day to day operations. The dealership that has my Ranger has another case with the exact same model Ranger with identical hose damage. They have also contacted another dealership that says they have seen several other cases with damage similar to mine.
Have any of you guys seen anything similar?

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DS90 Starter Clutch Assembly Problems

Hi, my DS90 has 2 stuck pins on the starter clutch assembly. Has anyone had this issue and managed to fix it?

I’m hesitant to buy a genuine replacement at $160.00 but it might be my only choice. So far I’ve tried WD-40, Permatex Super Penetrant, heating and freezing, but all I’m succeeding at doing is bending my small allan keys trying to jimmy it out.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Help with DS90

Hi all! I’m from Australia, more used to road bikes but I’m looking for some help with parts and queries with respect to my kids DS90.

Nice to meet you all.