Powersteering Question

I am sure this has been asked before but my search didn't turn up anything. Is there an aftermarket kit available to add PS to a 570 Sportsman? I am not sure I would want to do it, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have PS instead of wrestling the bike unassisted.

Disregard, I found my answer.

SPOP vs Iron Baltic 2017+

Hey guys,
Don't laugh...I bought another set of skid plates. Iron Baltic this time. Why? Because I stripped out the SPOP bracket on the rear skids while greasing my new Cecco knuckles. In addition, because of the SPOP's lack of hardware, I had to jerry rig hardware on the body skid.

Here's my thoughts: the Iron Baltic is essentially better in every way EXCEPT the front skids. IMO, the SPOP front is just neater and cleaner instead of having the split on the Iron Baltic. I also ended up using one bracket from the SPOP kit on the body skid. I'm very pleased now and believe I have the best of both worlds. If I had to choose one, I'd definitely go Iron Baltic.


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650 ds no power when key is on

I was out on my first ride after fixing my last problem of my starter being stuck. Any ways. I was about 5 minutes into riding when the atv started spuddering like it was going to die when I hit the gas. It did this for maybe 30 seconds then it completely died. I though it was a dead battery but my battery is fully charged and I had the 25 amp fuze blow. Does any one know what this could be. No lights come on with the key on. But I do get power at my fuze post when the key is off just not when it's on. Any help is appreciated.

New member help needed

Hey guys new member here my name's Cole! I recently got a good deal on what I believe is a 2000 sportsman 500 4x4..

Vin is 4XACH33A4YD21035

From Google I understand the 10th digit is the year why is mine Y?? So I guess I just need to know what I have to order parts thanks in advanced!!
