Defender Wheels and Tires

Will the Defender Wheels and tires work on a stock 2014 outlander 650? I'm concerned about wheel offset primarily and if it will fit and look good. Tire size is 27 x 9&11 x 14"

Sportsman 300 Choke Cable

I have a 2008 Sportsman 300, when I pull out the choke it wants to slide back down. Is there a way to adjust the cable, on the carb. etc. so it will maintain the out position? Now when I pull it out I have to clip a little vise grip on it etc. until it warms up. Do I need to buy a new cable? Is there a spring somewhere?
It doesn't have the knob on the end of it, does anyone know where I can get one?
Thanks in advance for any help

2016 Sportsman 450HO Tires

I am currently building my 2016 polaris 450ho and have most of the things completed on it so far except for tires. I have an HMF exhaust mounted, Snorkel your atv kit on the front rack color matched to the bike. Heat demon adjustable grip and thumb warmers, polaris 2500 pound winch, front and rear brush guards powder coated to match the bike,Kimpex rear seat pegs and fender guards,9" led light bar, k&n intake, a fully tuned ECU up to 3 from RVS Performance for an extra 20hp to the wheels. Plus some other odds and ends that have been installed. All I need now is a perfect set of tires to finish it all off and the bike will be an amazing ride! What tires does everyone on here recommend? I am leaning towards 26" or 27" maxxis zillas but I have also heard that the 27 will rub some.i dont really want spacers as the bike barely fits on my trailer as it is now. I am doing a little bit of everything for riding terrain , mud ,water, technical trails and smoother service roads.Thanks so much for your time.

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I have a 1998 Sportsman 500, Have AWD in reverse but not in forward,not in low or high gear.

570 Gear change

I have had a new 2017 570 EPS with Polaris winch and snow blade fitted for abouy 6 weeks now.

We just had an 8 inch dump of snow, quickly followed by another 4 inches. Wet and heavy snow which flew out of the way and my 120' drive was cleared very quickly. My neighbours also got the benefit of no shovelling !!

However, I do find the gears difficult to select, backwards and forwards until I find the gear I need. Is this normal for a new 570 ? From 'N' is slips into 'L' easily, but from 'R' to 'L' or back again it is very sticky.

Otherwise this is a great quad with a super ride. I bought it for the snow clearing abilities, but it zooms round the forest tracks brilliantly.

It's just the gear shifting !!