Floor board protection

After seeing numerous situations where the machine gets hung up on the floorboards I'd like to prevent that. It's difficult to tell from looking online if there are any skid plates that extend to the outer edge of the floorboards. If there are, which ones? If not, does anyone have any pictures of custom made rock sliders?

500 rear axle issue

2004 sportsman 500
does this look like a aftermarket axle, ??
i've seen vids where guys pull hard a couple times on the axle and it comes right out at tranny.
I was changing the outer cv boot and knocking on appropriate spot and it was not working so i said ill see if i can take whole axle out and it will be easier take outer joint apart and to regrease both boots and reclamp.
Can i just reinstall ballbearings in cage and it will fit back in axle housing ?
I dont want to pry between tranny and axle end.

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Click image for larger version

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Need connector identification

Due to old age and arthritis I find it hard to get down and connect a battery charger to my 2015 Sportsman ETX EFI. When I take the seat off there is a red boot that looks like a sparkplug boot just under the seat at the left front. I thought perhaps it was a connection I could connect my charger to that would ease charging the thing. When I pulled the cap off it slid off leaving a grey L-shaped connector and the wire stayed in the boot. What does this go to? I have pressed the boot back on but can't seem to get it seated all the way. The engine starts and runs fine but I need to know what this is and did I damage anything?
I dropped a picture below.
Thanks for any info!

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Click image for larger version

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ID:	93033  

Gauge cluster going out?

2008 Sportsman 500 HO EFI.

While finishing up some other projects preparing for winter, my gauge stopped working. First start up, it worked, I let it run for a few minutes. Then upon restarting, only the backlight displays. No other text, nothing. Since that happened, now the speedo won't turn off with the ignition. Just stays lit. I had to pull the fuse to stop it from draining the battery.

Has anybody had this happen before? What could be the issue? How did you fix it?

I'm also on amazon looking for a new gauge (just in case). The one posted specifies 2005, but the part number is the same as mine. Are they interchangeable? Only the face looks different.

One I'm looking at:

Style I have:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

rear brakes, single caliper?

So what is the deal with a single brake caliper in the rear? This doesn't seem like the best idea, is it an issue on what. I do realize the rear wheels are essentially locked together but ..... What have you guys decided about this, is it an issue or not?

New 2017 outlaw 50 pricing?

Anybody know the going rate for a new 2017 outlaw 50? I did the email quote, but they quoted me a price for a 2018 which was $2200. All the local used ones are going for gold, so I was curious what I could pick up a new '17 for. Thanks