heat fix feedback

New guy here.
For the people that had the R. side heat fix done-Are you noticing heat issues popping up somewhere new?
Wires melting Plastics distorting, signs of excessive heat build up where it wasnt before?
Havent had the service done yet, but definitely considering it in spring. Dont mind extra heat while ice fishing

Headlights Adjustment

Need some help folks, Trying to adjust the headlights on a 18 HD8. I found the screws the book says to adjust but they do not move..They are shining up in the trees. Thanks ....

570 or 1000s

Why would you want a 570 when you can have a real ATV with a 1000s or a 850. To start with most of the 450s and 570s have a uncontrollable down hill performance . They are useless in sand, snow or mud.:devil

Broke Pinion Plate 2016 XP1K

My machine is 9 months old and under 400 miles on the clock. Last weekend I drove over a downed log in 4 low and when it came down I heard a loud crack/grind noise. At first I thought I blew out my transmission gearcase in back but looked down to see oil dripping out the front. I limped it back to the trailer not that far away and wasn't grinding at all in 2wd, so I'm hoping I got lucky and just the pinion plate.

Any thoughts on if I also damaged the gears and case?

Has anyone had a similar blow out that they were able to fix with just the billet pinion plate?

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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Track choice?

Hey all
Doing research on track kit for my 2017 650 max. This is my first can am and first track purchase.
Do any one have experience with the TJD kit as attached? I realize camso acquired TJD and these tracks are similar to the camso kit. They also look very similar to the newest Polaris prospector tracks, especially the fronts.
I contacted camso and they replied the TJD 4s is a more advanced system than the camso 4s system. Thus more expensive. Any info and/or guidance is appreciated.

Attached Images
File Type: png 20171108_151726_1510169735742.png (819.8 KB)

Track choice?

Hey all
Doing research on track kit for my 2017 650 max. This is my first can am and first track purchase.
Do any one have experience with the TJD kit as attached? I realize camso acquired TJD and these tracks are similar to the camso kit. They also look very similar to the newest Polaris prospector tracks, especially the fronts.
I contacted camso and they replied the TJD 4s is a more advanced system than the camso 4s system. Thus more expensive. Any info and/or guidance is appreciated.

Attached Images
File Type: png 20171108_151726_1510169735742.png (819.8 KB)