anyone have this issue ! grinding in diff like the gears are not meshed properly. took linkage off and moved it manually but it still made the noise sometimes. sometimes will not go into gear, sometimes it will. indicator lights show in 4 x 4 but its not. noticed it when pulling my boat in 4 x 4, when letting off throttle going downhill, makes the grinding noise so I assume the gears are not fully engaged. its an 2008 800 max outlander EFI h.o. with less than 2000 kms. Any help would be appreciated. is this a dealer job or what. Not many dealers in the Muskoka region I'm in
warrenty questions
Hello again ... I am about to get a 18XT-P 1K and have a couple questions.... Do I get the extended warranty or not? I'm thinking with a machine that is this complexed and expensive I should get as much warranty as I can, what is the general consensus? Now here is another issue I have been considering.. If I buy this now, it is going to sit most of the winter and warranty (months) are being used up. Does it make sense to wait till the spring to buy it and start riding with a full warrenty? Or, should I get tracks and ride this winter ......tracks are just more crazy $$$$
remove their crotch locks with a wet knife. Research reveals that a sizable people pay the great price for
what to do with locks, most people remove locks from some part(s) of themselves and, based on negligence our systems, skin and rejuvalex scamed, employ a variety of processes to do so. Let's start at the top, shall we? For those men, and some women, who enjoy having a bald go, there is no better methods process than
rejuvalex scam
educing. And while there are those within this group who get very satisfactory results with one of the newer tri-blade razors, true aficionados of the sleek, shiny and much healthier and much healthier looking go say there is nothing to compare with the effects achieved with a straight edged knife - Once you know how. Shaving, either with a wet knife or an electric shaver, is the traditional way most men remove their face beard. Although today, there are wet and dry shavers that are gaining in popularity. For some men, convinced they're really as well as committed to becoming one, the operation of electrolysis is sometimes employed to eradicate the face beard rejuvalex scam therapies don't effect. Just as many females endure electrolysis to remove unwanted locks on their face. But again, most as well as transsexuals opt for solutions such as tweezing or depilatories specifically formulated for the face, as opposed to electrolysis. For these people seeking a sleek and bald face, reducing is not an option. When it comes to chest locks - Some females seek electrolysis, but most often simply tweeze locks from around the areola, (about the nipple of the breast). But because men have such a large place to contend with, electrolysis really isn't a viable methods process. Neither are laser light therapies treatments simply because of the cost and time engaged. So most men who desire to remove their chest locks often go to a salon and get it waxed. Or regularly implement a depilatory or shave. This applies to the rear as well. Although to successfully use a depilatory or razor/shaver on his coming back again, obviously men needs a friendly accomplice. While we're still dealing with the upper portion of our systems, there are the armpits, for which reducing is the most favored process. Depilatories are not suggested because the caustic ingredients can be too easily absorbed. And waxing, well, it's an option, but not a well-known one because it's s-o-o-o painful to have locks yanked from this super delicate place. For those people who enjoy to remove locks from their pubic areas - Yes, some people do elect electrolysis, but most employ solutions. The most used methods alternative to electrolysis is the handy-dandy wet knife. One cannot say that it's the most favored because of the inherent dangers of wielding a knife sharp knife around this region and because the skin is so delicate, the answers are more often than not uncomfortable after the first few hours, but still - Many people around the globe repeatedly
rejuvalex scam
educing. And while there are those within this group who get very satisfactory results with one of the newer tri-blade razors, true aficionados of the sleek, shiny and much healthier and much healthier looking go say there is nothing to compare with the effects achieved with a straight edged knife - Once you know how. Shaving, either with a wet knife or an electric shaver, is the traditional way most men remove their face beard. Although today, there are wet and dry shavers that are gaining in popularity. For some men, convinced they're really as well as committed to becoming one, the operation of electrolysis is sometimes employed to eradicate the face beard rejuvalex scam therapies don't effect. Just as many females endure electrolysis to remove unwanted locks on their face. But again, most as well as transsexuals opt for solutions such as tweezing or depilatories specifically formulated for the face, as opposed to electrolysis. For these people seeking a sleek and bald face, reducing is not an option. When it comes to chest locks - Some females seek electrolysis, but most often simply tweeze locks from around the areola, (about the nipple of the breast). But because men have such a large place to contend with, electrolysis really isn't a viable methods process. Neither are laser light therapies treatments simply because of the cost and time engaged. So most men who desire to remove their chest locks often go to a salon and get it waxed. Or regularly implement a depilatory or shave. This applies to the rear as well. Although to successfully use a depilatory or razor/shaver on his coming back again, obviously men needs a friendly accomplice. While we're still dealing with the upper portion of our systems, there are the armpits, for which reducing is the most favored process. Depilatories are not suggested because the caustic ingredients can be too easily absorbed. And waxing, well, it's an option, but not a well-known one because it's s-o-o-o painful to have locks yanked from this super delicate place. For those people who enjoy to remove locks from their pubic areas - Yes, some people do elect electrolysis, but most employ solutions. The most used methods alternative to electrolysis is the handy-dandy wet knife. One cannot say that it's the most favored because of the inherent dangers of wielding a knife sharp knife around this region and because the skin is so delicate, the answers are more often than not uncomfortable after the first few hours, but still - Many people around the globe repeatedly
difference between 2014 850 xp and 2018
are there any differences except looks?
brake fluid replacement
replacing the brake fluid on my 14 850 XP. How much fluid does it take or should I buy? I know it takes DOT 4 but any recommendations on brand. Thinking ill get Motul 600
Bleading? remove both caps correct.
Bleading? remove both caps correct.
28x9x14s on all 4 corners
I'm wanting to pick up a set of 14 black msa diesel wheels and some budget friendly mud tires for my 17 570 the best ive found ao far is maxxis zillas can i run the 9 wife's all the way around to cut the weight down a little since I don't want to pick up a clutch kit right away? Any better suggestions on a cheap durable mud tire?
Polaris Windshields
Looking at the Polaris mid height windshield #2880540-412 for my 2015 Touring. Wondering though if I can get it to fit without removing my hand guards? looks like it likely will not. I don't see myself leaving the windshield on in summer.
Need tips for newbie riding the 1000 in the snow.
Hello, I’m hoping I can get some tips about winter riding in the snow. I have watched a few YouTube videos with some tips to be found, but not much details. I’m also wanting to camp/quad in the winter. I’m a bit fearful about getting stuck, and needing to camp where ever I’m stuck till help comes my way. Should I not do to much mountain trips, or what. So any and all advice will be treasured. I do have a wench now, and a front bumper, and working at finding a back bumper. I’ve got rails for packing and I can fit a large trunk on the back without the second seat on;therefore, I can pack a fair amount of stuff. 
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Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Polaris Unveils RZR XP 4 Turbo Dynamix Edition

As expected, Polaris is offering up its Dynamix Active Suspension in a four-seat RZR. Introducing the 2018 Polaris RZR XP 4 Turbo Dynamix Edition.
We had a chance to take the 2018 Polaris RZR XP Turbo EPS Dyanamix Edition for a spin this summer and came away wholly impressed, so it’s no surprise that a four-seat version has been announced — the 2018 Polaris RZR XP 4 Turbo Dynamix Edition.
Fast Facts
Engine: 925cc turbo-charged Twin
Power: 168 horsepower
Front/Rear Suspension Travel: 16/18 in.
Weight: 1,696 lbs
MSRP: $28,499
The big news for the Dynamix Edition RZR is the Dynamix Active Suspension system. This revolutionary system adjusts your suspension on the fly. Get all four wheels off the ground on a jump? The suspension will automatically stiffen up so you don’t bottom out when you land. Turn the wheel hard left to get around a corner? The Active Suspension adds stiffness to the left side to offer you better balance.
Check it out here:
2018 Yamaha Grizzly EPS LE vs. Can-Am Outlander North Edition 650: By the Numbers

Both the 2018 Yamaha Grizzly EPS LE and Can-Am Outlander North Edition 650 are built for cold-weather climates. Let’s see how they stack up.
For those of us lucky enough to live in the northern reaches of the continent, cold, winter weather is creeping in to every forecast. That means it’s time to add a few layers and try to stay at least a little warm while we go about our daily lives. Just because the mercury is dropping, that doesn’t mean the fun stops. Both Yamaha and Can-Am make special editions of their popular ATVs that are designed just for cold weather activities. The 2018 Yamaha Grizzly EPS LE and the Can-Am Outlander North Edition 650 are ready to turn up the heat this winter and let you enjoy some off-road fun.
Check it out here: 2018 Yamaha Grizzly EPS LE vs. Can-Am Outlander North Edition 650