Well, I'm back! I've had a few threads going on some of the work I've been doing to my machine over the last year. I was having issues with it losing power and running extremely lean once it gets hot. It usually only showed up when the ambient temperature was over 70 and I was doing a lot of low speed driving and idling.
I went through and flushed the radiator, removed the gas tank and cleaned it out, added foil insulation to the tank, replaced all fuel lines and added insulation to them, new fuel pump, new petcock, all new filters, new plugs and wires, new muffler and donut gaskets, swapped the carb, and replaced all other filters and fluids.
Well after doing all of that, it ran like a totally different machine. Much more power and throttle response. I thought I had it whipped. The other day it got in the upper 70's and I took it out to do some work and on the way back I noticed it starting to act up again. It was doing the same thing as before. This time it wasn't nearly as bad as before, but it was still there. The lack of severity could be due to it not being that hot outside as well.
I know with these, a lot of times the ignition system is suspect and ends up getting replaced. Mine is still the original. I was going to research the entire OEM upgrade or possibly the RM Stator fix. Since I have owned this thing, approximately 3 years, I've had an issue with the battery light intermittently coming on. The battery always starts fine and has never gone dead.
I started to look in to this issue the other day and tested the volts and it appears that it is taking a charge. When I rev it up at idle it will raise to 13+. If I leave it idling for a while the volts will dip below 12 and that will activate the battery light. I also was able to get it to come on while running at 30 mph or so, although the headlights were on at the time. But I would have thought that running with that high of RPM that it would have been able to keep the volts above 12.
So I'm wondering if it wouldn't be worth a shot to try replacing the rectifier? It is a somewhat cheap fix and might be worth a shot. But I thought I would try to get some other opinions. If it is just the rectifier, I'm not sure that would cause my poor running conditions. I appreciate all of the help from everyone here, and hope I'm not wearing out my welcome!!