Plow Mount and Push Tube

So picked up a plow for super cheap. Needed some work but got it ready. It is an older cycle country. My question is am I tied to only that manufacturer for the mount or can any manufacturers mount work with this push tube?

Clutch will not disengage

I have a 2011 commande 800. When I let off the gas the side by side still rolls when I hit the brakes it shuts off and will not come out of gear until I rock it back and forth. I have already changed the one way bearings. I also noticed when I was taking it apart it secondary clutch would not spread open with the bolt same thing when I was reassembling it. I am stI'll having the problem with the clutch not disengaging. Does anyone one have any suggestions

Clutch will not disengage

I have a 2011 commande 800. When I let off the gas the side by side still rolls when I hit the brakes it shuts off and will not come out of gear until I rock it back and forth. I have already changed the one way bearings. I also noticed when I was taking it apart it secondary clutch would not spread open with the bolt same thing when I was reassembling it. I am stI'll having the problem with the clutch not disengaging. Does anyone one have any suggestions

dies out on throttle

Hi all I have a 1998 sportsman 500 was running fine. For the first time I put some high test gas in the tank and washed the bike with a preasure washer now it spits and sputters when you give it some gas and dies out Idles perfectly. any help would be greatly appreciated ty in advance

Outlander Purchasing and plow advice needed

Hey guys
I am going to buy a new outlander any week now and curious if the dealer promotions that end on october 31st usually get better afterwards or should i actually rush out before this deadline?
Also curious what types of negotiating you might have some to "sweeten the pot"???
I am thinking about a plow as well as i have a +300 driveway and sick of snowblowing.

Low draw, high output LED suggestions.

2008 Sportsman 500 HO EFI.

So before I begin with my inquiry, I know this topic has been discussed many of times, but most of the information pertaining to the older vehicles, to me are outdated. So I'm going to dig into this in hopes that somebody has some insight on some newer tech.

Being that I have an older machine, I'm not able to do some of the headlight mods I've seen. Example, the flush pods. My headlight opening just isn't big enough for the common 4.7-5" x 3-3.5" that I have seen.

I have seen some 3-3.5" x 2.5-3.5" squares that might work in the opening, just unsure of performance. Pods aside, I have also just given up in the search for the perfect fit and just go with LED bulbs.

Ideally I would want a bulb with anywhere between 18-24W draw, producing anywhere between 1000-2000LM.

That is, in a nutshell, my end game. Get this bundled up before winter so I can give my winch/plow all the power it will need without triggering my low voltage gauge.

So what y'all think? Any and ALL suggestions are welcome. Thank You :)

New 1995 Xplorer 300 4×4 Owner

Hey All,

This is my first ATV - 1995 Xplorer 300 4x4. I picked it up for $400 a few months back and now I am going through it to get it back into good shape. I have a few questions below;

Is there know coolant reservoir or radiator, is this normal? If it should have it were would it be located?

There was no air box assembly, does anyone know where I can pick up a used one?

If you guys have any questions let me know. I can also send pictures of ATV if needed.


Check out this engine!!!

I know this is a powersports forum, but we thought we would give you an idea of the other capabilities nFLOW has in house. In addition to our powersport engine reman program, we can also build engines for the industrial, ag, auto and boat industries. Below is a picture of a recent Big Block Chevy boat engine we built in house for a customer. You can find more pics of the various offerings nFLOW has by visiting our FB page or by going to Thanks and hope you enjoy!

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