Has anyone else had an issue or any experience with the their key no longer being recognized?
My 1000 xt-p has been parked about 2 1/2 weeks while I've been putting on a new snorkel kit. When I started this, I disconnected the negative battery terminal. During the process I had to remove the ignition to put in a new dash/ Guage mount. When I un plugged the ignition, it came apart. I got it back together, finished the snorkel, reconnected the battery, turned the key on... The lights and dash came on, the greeting went across the screen, then I pushed the start button and nothing happened... Then the message went across the screen "DESS key not recognized"
My 1000 xt-p has been parked about 2 1/2 weeks while I've been putting on a new snorkel kit. When I started this, I disconnected the negative battery terminal. During the process I had to remove the ignition to put in a new dash/ Guage mount. When I un plugged the ignition, it came apart. I got it back together, finished the snorkel, reconnected the battery, turned the key on... The lights and dash came on, the greeting went across the screen, then I pushed the start button and nothing happened... Then the message went across the screen "DESS key not recognized"