
Has anybody on here ever tried to convert their speakers from wired to bluetooth? I want to do it the right way by changing out the board inside to a bluetooth one but don't really know where to buy one at.

Any Ideas?

how can i change the tail light on outlander 450L ?

im new here and hope someone can help me telling me how can i change the tail light of my 2015 can am outlandel 450L
I have spent the day trying to know how to do it but i can't. there is no information online and the owner's manual doesnt says how to remove the fascia, it just says disconect the socket and turn it clockwise but the important part nooo.

please help me because i cant move the quad if there light doesnt works and yes is the light bulb the problem because i cant see it a bit black.

Sportsman 500: Do I need carburetor R & R ?

Last Summer I took a job of spot-spraying thistles in some CRP farmland (tall grasses, flowers, some weeds). Part way through the season my 2012 Sportsman 500 starts acting up. When I get to about 1/4 throttle, the motor seems to hesitate... kind of fall on it's face. If I let up on the throttle it will run fine, or if I keep advancing the throttle it will get pas the hesitation and run fine. I don't use this machine a lot so I didn't get around to fixing it yet. Now that it's cold outside, the hesitation seems hardly noticeable , if at all... but I haven't used it very much in cold weather yet to be 100% sure. This leads me to think the mixture is too rich, not too lean as I first suspected.

I've cleaned the air filter and foam sleeve, the hesitation at 1/4 throttle is still there. Are there any carb adjustments that I could try before removing the carb ?

IIRC, I've got around 200 hours on this ATV. If I have to remove the carb, is this something that could be cured with a can of carb cleaner and compressed air ? I used to rebuild my own Holley and Rochester carbs 40 years ago, but haven't done that kind of work since.

OEM can am bead locks

Picked up some can am bead lock wheels, and am going to put the on my outlander xmr 1000 with some trail tires. Sometimes we mainly hit trails, and the stock rim offset is 10mm per the catalog, and the bead locks are 41mm front and 51 in the rear. Are some spacers need, or do they mount up fine. Local dealer seemed stumped, don't want to take his recommendation as gospel, seems to be much more Intel on this site. Thanks for any help!

Help with new Outlander 450

Hey guys, new member here. I started a post in the new members section but I figured I would have better luck here. Just picked up a new 2018 Outlander 450. Brought it home, rolled it off the trailer, and it won't start.. Tried to start it in park and neutral with and without brakes applied. Key on, dash lights up, fuel pump primes, when I hit the button the starter bumps the engine 1 time then it sounds like it kicks out and free spins. Pretty frustrating after only an hour of ownership... Any ideas? Or should I push it back on the trailer and go buy another Honda or Yamaha?

New Can-Am owner here

Hello everyone! Just bought a 2018 Outlander 450 to replace my old worn out Wolverine. Fell in love with it at the dealer, brought it home and it won't start. Oh well, looks nice in the garage lol. Hope it's not an omen of bad things to come.. Anyway, I'm in my early 40's and I've had several ATV's in my life, so hopefully I can get this thing going and enjoy it and learn a thing or two in the process.

Sportsman 570 exhaust heat – my observations…

Within the past month, I have done two long (2-hour) rides on two separate Saturdays. On the first ride I felt NO heat from the right side of the engine. On the second ride it was burning my leg through my heavy-duty work pants. Here are my observations:

1. Both days were approximately the same temperature, and I rode the same time of day - noon to about 2pm.
2. I was wearing the same clothing on both rides.
3. I rode the same trail on both rides.
4. I was on the same tank of fuel on both rides, and...just to be clear...the SAME 2014 Sportsman 570 EFI on both rides.
5. On the first ride I rode at a good pace with lots of full-throttle bursts for 2 hours, and covered lots of ground.
6. On the second ride I rode slow, at 15mph or less most of the time, with frequent stops, while my son followed me on his Sportsman 110 EFI.
7. On the first (fast) ride I expected to feel heat from the right side of the machine, because I read so many complaints about it. No heat whatsoever. NONE.
8. On the second ride, by about 30 minutes my right leg was getting toasty - enough that I noticed and adjusted my leg position to distance it from the heat.

My theory, based on my experience, is that the Sportsman 570 stays cooler when it's moving along at a good pace, even if that pace includes lots of hard on the throttle. When I was literally putting along, just enjoying the scenery with my boy, stopping to take in the view or talk about the trail, it got HOT.

Anybody else notice the same thing?