Moto Attack Tires

Anyone know anything about these?
The price screams garbage, but the tread pattern seems legit and being an 8ply, "should" make them pretty durable.
I can't seem to find any specs on them. Curious if the ply rating is in tread areas only or if it's carried into the sidewall.
Anyone run these?

1999 Traxtor shift problem?

This afternoon I got my 1999 Traxtor up and running after having a "clutch bearing?" replaced as a result of it not starting by the electric start. Now it is back together I have discovered another problem that didn't exist prior to the above work being done.

When I started the ATV the shift selector light showed that it was in 5th gear, which apparently isn't a problem; however, once forward OR reverse is selected I can only shift from 5th into 4th and from 4th back into 5th BUT cannot get 3rd 2nd or 1st gears be it in forwards or reverse.

If I hold the shift button down a little longer than perhaps is "normally needed" all 5 gear selection lights flash continuously until I press the shift up or down again at which point either 4th or 5th gear is engaged.

As said, prior to the "clutch bearing" being installed I had no problem with the gear selection and was able to move from 1st to 5th and back again without an issue.

Any suggestions as to the problem will be appreciated and hopefully it is not a serious issue.

Sportsman 800 CVT belt replacement

I have a 2006 Sportsman 800 and want to replace the belt.

My father in law said he had replaced the belt on his ranger without removing the clutch so I stripped my 800 down to the clutch and it looks like it would be possible to stretch the old belt off and possibly get the new one rolled on.

Has anyone tried this before or does anyone have an alternative method to remove the clutch without the puller?

Back Rest

I have a 2017 SP high lifter edition but im having a hell of a time trying to find a back rest for my girlfriend....any suggestions?

First time can am owner

Hey guys. Names Travis, recently purchased a 2017 renegade 850 xxc. I live in about the most northern part of Pennsylvania you could go. 2 miles from good old Lake Erie. Interested in definitely upgrading my bike as the time goes on. Already purchased a tuner from thebom.

Maverick belt on a 2017 850 gade

I've been hearing a lot of people with 800 motors using maverick belts due to them being more heavy duty. Do the maverick belts also work on the renegade 850 bikes? Any down falls ?