Has anybody put led bulbs on their sportsman? I want to change the stock lights out for led just want to make sure its worth it?
Outlander 650 max xt please advise
The dealer has a 2016 650 max xt with 26 miles on it that he bought back from a customer with hardship issues. I told him I would take it test rode it and a 2017 both seemed to sound and handle the same for the little I rode them. Now I am reading about rear differential problems, it is not too late for me to cancel. My wife and I really liked the two up feature as few manufacturers offer it the machine is beautiful we have been looking at them for a few years now. Sorry for joining and having a slightly negative first post but really can't afford to buy a machine and have to throw a lot of money at it later on, really thought it would be a good machine. We were going to pick it up this Friday were also looking at side by sides but they all seem a little on the noisy side. Please advise what do you think we should do firs impression we loved the machine had a few Hondas in the past but they don't offer a two up machine. He is giving us a six month warranty on the machine.
2007 Sportsman MV700
Hey first post here, new to the Polaris scene. I have acquired a 2007 Polaris MV700. It is missing the carburetor. Can anyone tell me if this will be a model specific carburetor or can I use one from another Sportsman model? I have tried to search to see what the differences were, but, couldn't find anything to really tell me. Thanks
Intro/Electrical System Help
New to the site so am looking forward to sharing and learning.
What brought me to you is my 2001 Traxter XL. Good old quad I use for utility work on my property. This weekend, while I was moving slow in 2nd gear the engine quit. When trying to restart I noticed none of the indicator lights worked, the head lights didn't work, nothing powered by the key seemed to be getting power (the aux power plug-in still had power). I checked the fuses and they are all ok. I tested the starter switch and it seems to be ok. I am able to make it turn over by jumping the solenoid. I am hoping its not the MPEM ECM Module (as I see they go for $800). Any suggestions or insights are appreciated.
New to the site so am looking forward to sharing and learning.
What brought me to you is my 2001 Traxter XL. Good old quad I use for utility work on my property. This weekend, while I was moving slow in 2nd gear the engine quit. When trying to restart I noticed none of the indicator lights worked, the head lights didn't work, nothing powered by the key seemed to be getting power (the aux power plug-in still had power). I checked the fuses and they are all ok. I tested the starter switch and it seems to be ok. I am able to make it turn over by jumping the solenoid. I am hoping its not the MPEM ECM Module (as I see they go for $800). Any suggestions or insights are appreciated.
2014 Sportsman 570 touring 2 inch receiver
Im looking for a 2 inch hitch that will mount above my 1.25 inch receiver. I don't want one of those adapters. I'm looking for something that will mount to the frame. I want my trailer to be more lvl when towing.
I want to know what others have done to solve this issue.
I was looking at this Quadboss 2" receiver. It seems like it will work, but I am unfamiliar with this company, and I did not come across any reviews online. I am just looking for some quality that will last.
QuadBoss 2" Receiver Hitch Motorcycle Utility | eBay
I want to know what others have done to solve this issue.
I was looking at this Quadboss 2" receiver. It seems like it will work, but I am unfamiliar with this company, and I did not come across any reviews online. I am just looking for some quality that will last.
QuadBoss 2" Receiver Hitch Motorcycle Utility | eBay
Renegade hitch
You guys with the hitch on the renegade. How are they holding up? Im a bit concerned about bolting it to the rear diff like that. Ive read a few posts about the diff breaking where the bolts go through it. I dont plan on abusing the tow hitch at all, but need to know if it can take it if it happens. Thanks :th_ATVsmiley:
Looking for CLUTCH recommendations
Hi all!! Just got my 2017 450HO and ordered some STI wheels with 26" big horn 2.0 tires for it. Now, I'm thinking I will likely need a clutch kit to really help deliver power to the ground and so, what do you all recommend for a clutch kit?
Winch Part Numbers?
I am looking to add a winch to a 2006 Sportsman 500 HO EFI X2, I have found three winches all of which have different part numbers.I am not sure which to use, they all say they will work, but I wont to be sure. Here are the numbers 2878785, 2878789, 2878791, these are Polaris numbers. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Traiblazer Umbrella valve
on the 2000 250 Traiblazer the Umbrella valve on the bottom of the airbox has been discontinued. Any suggestions on what to do to keep water out of the airbox. I cannot find an alternative fix. We hit a lot of water and mud, so I'd think it needs to be closed off when in those situations. Thanks for any ideas.
Hello all! I am here from around the Cincinnati, Ohio area.. Lived here all my life.. I have 2 polaris quads one is a 2001 Trailblazer 250 and the other is a 2001 Trail Boss 325.