2001 Trailblazer question

Hello All,

I am working on a 2001 trailblazer and I have a question about the crank oil seals that I have not been able to find an answer to... I am rebuilding the top end and I know that this thing was sitting for awhile... My question is this: Should I put oil on the seals or on the crank before I install them?

Thanks in advance.

MAX – small storage box

I just recently picked up a new 2017 850 XT-P Max and noticed that it didn't come with the small storage container that goes in place of the rear seat if it is removed. Can anyone confirm if those should be a standard item or is that another cost reduction (like the removal of the wired winch controller "port" on the winch controller).

2006 Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI poor running stumped!!!

I have a 2006 Sportsman 800 EFI that all of the sudden was hard to start and will not throttle up period when given throttle it wants to cut out and sputter and die. I checked the PSI on the fuel rail and a title it was around 37 PSI. When given throttle and raising RPMs it would drop to around 20. I then change the fuel pump in the tank with one from eBay. The new fuel pump seems to be putting out pressure correctly around 39 to 40 PSI. It now seems to run worse. Is it possible I still have a bad regulator? Dirty injectors? Kind of stumped here. I started wiggling the wires on the tbap sensor and also the TPS sensor and now I am throwing a number 41 code. Prio,r even with the rough running conditions I was throwing no code at all. I do see that the TPS sensor wire sheathing is melted from the hot exhaust. Any thoughts would be great! I have also taken the tank out and cleaned it very well the fuel was extremely dirty thanks Bryant.

PS excuse the poor writing I was talking into imy phone while driving

2004 Sportsman 500 HO HELP!

Replaced my stator magneto. All wires are plugged except a brown plug that is jumping off a wire to the speedo. Anyone help with where this might go?

2007 outlaw 525 will roll in gear. HELP

I recently purchased a 2007 outlaw 525. Have had it for about two weeks and it has been running great. I was riding it one day and i went to take off in 1st gear and stalled it. After that the starter wouldnt engage on the flywheel so i tried to bump start it by just pushing it in 3rd gear. I tried it and when i let go of the clutch the wheels kept turning like it was in neautral. Nothing sounded like it broke or popped it was just quiet and kept rolling. Now I can put it in any gear and it will act like it is in neautral even with the clutch out. The sarter will still not engage eathier. Any help would be greatly appreciated as i cannot find much online about this. Thanks again

90psi to low?

My buddy just picked up a 93 trail boss 250 4x4 yesterday for super cheap, it's in nice shape but someone disassembled the starter and pull start for whatever reason. We compression tested it and it was just above 90psi.... tons of spark, cleaned the carb and had fresh gas... it wouldn't even try to start even with ether.... not sure if this is one of those 4 wheelers that needs a good battery to run properly? It doesn't have a battery in it right now. However we do have a new starter and battery on the way... just unsure if I should have him order rings and gaskets too or not...

1000XP Touring – Audio Suggestions

For you Touring owners, have any of you installed audio? Preferably with BlueTooth? Would be real interested in hearing what you ended up doing. Great to see pictures also...


New to the forum so……

I just purchased a 01 Sportsman 500. I purchased it from the original owner and it has been maintained VERY well.

Any advice is welcome, but I just wanted to say hey.

Django X3: Modded Mondays

Django X3: Modded Mondays Django X3: Modded Mondays
This mud ready Maverick X3 built by Texas Auto Masters looks like an angry reptile that’s about to strike. Apparently they didn’t get the memo that the Maverick X3 was supposed to be a desert UTV. Then again maybe they did and they just don’t care. A post shared by OMC WHEELS (@omcwheels) on Mar […] more