Secondary bind?

Having problems and I think it's the secondary binding.

Going down a big road at a steady pace, if bike gets unloaded from a dip in road, you can feel a definite upshift and easier going.

Hold it wide open hits 106 and hits a wall. Hold it there a few seconds and it will eventually pull through like you hit it with nitrous.

Had it apart the other day. Helix worn into sliding half quite a bit. Some wear or contact on sliding half where the two half's meet.

Fixes? Bushings? Aftermarket bushing sources?

You can buy an stm for what they want for the sliding half.

12 700 kms on bike.

Only god knows

I've got a 2007 renagade 800 I've changed fule pumps to fix a miss that occurres during high rmp kicks the bike into limp mode changed the pump now the mid is back not the limp mode the display runs a h then some numbers across the screen quickly that's all I know i have no p codes I have no clue

K & N Air filter cleaning

I think I need to clean my K & N air cleaner in my 2007 Sportsman 450. However I am not sure. It is black but not too sooty or worn. I drive constantly in dusty dirt roads and would expect the air cleaner to be brown, but it is dark black. Is it ok, or should it be cleaned?

Planning to buy Sportsman 570

Hi. I plan on selling my 98 Sportsman 500 and buying a new 570. It looks like some incentives just expired. Best i can find one now for us $5800 out the door. Should I wait or is that good? Located in SW Pa.

Thank you

Side panel replacements

Hey everyone, looking for replacement lateral side panels for my 2017 570 outlander XMR. wanting to change the white panels to black but cant find anywhere that has them. can anyone shoot me in the right direction or know of anywhere that would possibly have some?

New toy…uh I mean tool… for the shop!

For years I have been working on my machines and those of friends on the floor. I put them up on snowmobile skates and lock the brakes. That got them up off the floor a bit and allowed me to move them around wherever I needed. I could work sitting on a roller seat and I was perfectly happy.......I do some part time work for a local dealership. Mostly assembly of new SxS and deliveries but I do some service work too when the shop gets backed up. Started using a table lift there and got spoiled. So I did some research, saved some money and bought one. Brand is Derek Weaver, it was less than $1000 including shipping.

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Sportsman 400 differential swap

My 2004 Sportsman 400 has an older style differential and it needs female axle connections on the diff side. So it's making difficult to get a good axle with my lift kit. Is there a fix that I can swap in to use a male axle connection?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Primary clutch spring confusion

Hey guys,
As I get farther into this rebuild(2009 Renegade 800R) things seem to keep getting weirder. The spring you see on the right was what I pulled from the primary clutch and the spring on the left is a Dalton Tan primary. So my question is, what the heck is the black and yellow one from? Aren't they supposed to be silver for stock? Another concern I have is how small the tan spring is. Is this normal? Tan spring is 3 1/4" Black is 4 1/4".

Edit: Service Manual says spring free length is 3.347in(85mm) So I would be good?

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aftermarket lateral side planels

New to the world of forums. Does anyone know where i can find black side panels for my 2017 570 outlander xmr?I have seen some on instagram but everyone who has them is keeping it hush hush. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!