
Need some brakes, just put Race Driven all the way around, 3 rides later, they are gone.....anybody got suggestions as to which kind to get. ...Thx

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2012 Outlander 1000 not turning over

First of all, i have a 2012 Outlander 1000 with the bom cams, full exhaust, a duback fuel programmer, stm billet clutches, and a custom dyno tune. I took it though some deep water a few months ago and it ran just fine until the next day. It started sputtering and bogging like I had gotten water in the fuel or a spark plug was fouling out so I replaced the spark plugs and checked the fuel for water. Still it didn't run right so I took it to the dealer. After they had it for 2 months they said they thought the tune had been thrown off but other than that they couldn't find anything. When I got it back it wouldn't start at all and is making a horrible noise from the magneto. I cannot find a solution. Any insight would be great. I will try and post a video today

Need to hide or remove snorkel kit thanks to Maine laws ? Need advice

Hey guys I got an 07 Outlander 800 xt that I bought with a snorkel kit. Wardens up here in Maine have not been liking them so I need to either find a way to hide them or something or advice on what I would need to put it back to stock. Really didn't want to do that but you gotta do what you got to do don't want to get a fine every time I go up north and ride. Any input would be awsome

Sportsman 850SP Touring Defect-Check Engine Light

To let you know:

Apparently there's a defect with some 850SP Touring models called the "Phantom ECU Light." There's no fix. The symptom is a Check Engine Light and no ability to get into Diagnostic Mode nor any error codes. Of course mine has it. The ECU was changed out and all was well for about a week, then for no reason the Check Engine Light came on. Polaris and a local dealer are working on swapping the bike out for a 1000XP. Cost is TBA.:sad