Xpedition 425 leaking oil seal

I've been lurking and using this great site for awhile. I finally ran into a repair I was not able to find info by searching for this model. I am not sure of the exact year, but I believe this model was only manufactured from 2000-2002. I have been unsuccessful at finding an online VIN decoder. I have extensive experience working on auto's, but have never torn into a Polaris before. I am about to start the process of pulling parts off to remove the carb and clean the cooling system so now would be the time to address the leaking oil seal on the front output shaft.

Has anyone replaced this seal on their rig before? Is this seal just like an auto oil seal where it is pryed out and a new one tapped in? Does Polaris have this setup where a special tool is needed? Please share the link if you have stumbled across any good write-ups on this. Finally, any recommendations for legit online parts suppliers that offer good pricing and maybe good parts diagrams for ordering?

I appreciate any help!

Treat the fiberglass back box

Colleagues, anyone know what product should I use to treat the fiberglass back box? It has caught a lot of sun and now it stings whenever it touches. Sportsman 500 EFI

Ricocet plates – BROKE OFF

My last ride, I bottomed out the front end (as usual - haven't been able to get the spacers in) but this time my skid plates literally broke off the machine! One bolt actually ripped through the frame.

I need to pick up some replacement hardware, but there are almost a dozen options to choose from. Bolts I'll get ah HD, I just need 2 of the clamps. Anyone know which ones to order?

Added photos for those interested.

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450 HO question

I have a stock 2016 sportsman 450 HO and I am looking to upgrade some things on it. I want to get the most out of this bike and make it as fun as possible to drive. Finding parts for it seem kinda difficult for some reason. I am looking for an
Aftermarket exhaust and air intake for it and can't seem to find one. Do parts for a 570 fit on it fine? Such as an exhaust or intake. Also I plan on flashing the ecu after I do these upgrades to get the most power I can. Any thoughts on this ???

Help! Oil leaked out while running

Riding my 2004 Polaris Predator 500 this weekend and noticed the engine cut out. I noticed the one-way oil valve bolt backed completely out!! Almost all the oil came out of the engine. engine would not start. I took the engine apart and noticed there was a huge score on the side of the sleeve and the piston. Would this cause the engine not to start at all not even a pop. I tried adding gas to the engine through the carburetor with a spray bottle without even a pop. confirmed I do have spark. I did not do a compression test with a tester. However it did blow my thumb out of the spark plug hole with no problem. I removed the head, checked all the valves, valves were perfectly fine. Valve seats were also fine. I am just wondering if the scored piston is something that will cause this problem entirely. Or if there is something else wrong. Prior to this I had no issues.

2011-12 850 clutch kits?

wondering whats everyone running for clutch kits,in my 2010 850 i ran daltons kit with 28 zillas seem decent still loss some bottom and top end tho,planning on doin the same to my 12 850,runn 28s tires,not full on mudding just all around performance kit i would like to try thanks scott