I recently bought a 2003 sportsman 700 and it will not start. It sat for around 4 years, so I changed oil, cleaned the carb, drained fuel, and had to have a key made. The battery was toast so I just got a new one also. I put the key in and the gauges light up, all the lights work, but when I turn the key to start the gauges go dark and no sounds, nothing. It also takes about 5 seconds for the gauges to light back up. If I jiggle the key, it's almost like the ignition has an issue. I can move the key a certain way and it'll go dark again. How do I go about checking voltages, checking the power to the starter (I haven't even located it yet) and what steps should I take first? I'm very excited to get this thing started. I know there's an issue with the Ducati ignition or starters. Not sure which, but I know 2003 is the bad year for that. Thank you in advance for any help!
Clear plastic tube routing
Hello everyone,
I just returned from my second trail ride with my 570. There was some serious mud and stream crossing involved....when I was cleaning it today, there was a clear plastic tube hanging down on the right front side....I gather this might be the fuel tank vent, or a battery vent tube. Where is it supposed to be routed on the bike? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!!!
I just returned from my second trail ride with my 570. There was some serious mud and stream crossing involved....when I was cleaning it today, there was a clear plastic tube hanging down on the right front side....I gather this might be the fuel tank vent, or a battery vent tube. Where is it supposed to be routed on the bike? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!!!
2004 sportsman 700 rattle from stator cover
I have a bad rattle coming from what sounds like the stator housing.
In low gear it even affects my speed
In high gear I can still hear it but still runs good.
Any ideas? When I pulled the cover off before I didn't see any problems.
In low gear it even affects my speed
In high gear I can still hear it but still runs good.
Any ideas? When I pulled the cover off before I didn't see any problems.
Boosting a discharged battery
What is the proper way to "boost" a discharged battery on one ATV with a good battery on another ATV?
I was hoping to just hook the two units together with an extension cable between the battery tender leads, but thinking one can't do this as the polarity would be backwards.
Is there an extension cable that has the polarity reversed so that one can plug the two battery tender leads together and upload a little power from the "good" battery to the "discharged" battery just enough to get the one started?
I have never had the occasion to need this, but always looking for a "backup plan" in the event that this is needed.
I was hoping to just hook the two units together with an extension cable between the battery tender leads, but thinking one can't do this as the polarity would be backwards.
Is there an extension cable that has the polarity reversed so that one can plug the two battery tender leads together and upload a little power from the "good" battery to the "discharged" battery just enough to get the one started?
I have never had the occasion to need this, but always looking for a "backup plan" in the event that this is needed.
2003 Sportsman 700 backfiring
I have a 2003 that I acquired and I put a new carb on it. It starts good and idles good but when I try and drive it I have no power and it starts backfiring both ways. any help would be pleasing and thank you
Mileage and fuel consumption
Hi all, new to this site. I'm looking at 6x6's polaris and can am. My question is what are y'all getting for mileage on a tank of fuel 650 & 1k. I do understand everyone rides differently. I live up in Alaska so my riding will be mostly hunting so all conditions are possible. I'll take all inputs but hoping some of my fellow Alaskan's will chime in. Thanks
Wiseco ATV Motocross Championship Results: Unadilla National
The 2017 Wiseco ATV Motocross National Championship (ATVMX) presented by CST Tires, an AMA National Championship, continued this past weekend, July 15, in the Empire State with the Unadilla ATV National.
Wiseco ATV Motocross Championship Results: Unadilla National
The 2017 Wiseco ATV Motocross National Championship (ATVMX) presented by CST Tires, an AMA National Championship, continued this past weekend, July 15, in the Empire State with the Unadilla ATV National.
Power steering quits after water puddles
I know this has been discussed before but what has been found to fix this? Called dealer and he said there is a recall that is a fix for overheating PS. That is what causes it to stop working. Not convinced as it work fine all the time till I hit deeper puddles then it will quit. I shut it off for 5 min then it works again. All steering mechanicals are working and greased. No loose connections. Is there a breather hole or something I can seal up. Thinking water is getting in there causing temporary failure.
There’s Nothing Like a Tree to Stop You Dead in Your Tracks + Video

All too often for UTV racers who race in the woods, trees have a habit of jumping out of nowhere. By the looks of this video, the driver overcorrected and slid sideways into a tree. It goes to show the importance of having the proper safety equipment as well as durable components like a strong […] more